Penis enlargement and correction

man measures penis length

A small penis (PC) is a serious problem for any man suffering from this condition. The size of this organ has long agitated mankind. In sculptural images, ancient Hindus depicted long penises. On the island of Corsica, 15-25 cm long Bronze Age sculptures have been discovered. The Japanese in their books "at night" used a long penis as a visual stimulant.

Penis enlargement surgery

Penis lengthening techniques were borrowed from ancient times and are based on the "extension principle" - constantly wearing various types of extenders. An example is the rings for lengthening the cervical vertebrae, which ancient tribes forced girls to wear in order to achieve a beautiful, graceful neck, as well as to stretch the lips and earlobes with the help of various stents and stents. Subsequently, this technique was also used to create the famous Elizarov device for stretching bones by internal fixation and constant stretching, the basis of which was the postulate of "prolonged stretching, as a result of which cell division occurs and, therefore, the growth in length and increase in volume ", related to what today many extensors are proposed for the enlargement of the non-surgical penis based on this principle. Unfortunately, this technique is time consuming and requires constant wearing of the device for 6 to 12 hours per day for 8 to 12 months. In addition, it sometimes causes discomfort in the intimate area, as there is a constant stretching of the ligament that supports the penis. This situation has led to the fact that in the modern world there is a constant interest in operations aimed at increasing the length of the penis. Classical surgery (ligamentotomy) is performed with the aim of crossing the ligament that supports the penis, but, unfortunately, this technique is also imperfect, since the human ligament apparatus has recovery properties, and therefore, subsequently, ifrecommendations are not followed. (wearing an expander and doing gymnastics in the postoperative period for a long time) can make the old situation. . .

large penis size

American plastic surgeons have found a way out and developed an innovative implantation technique that does not require the wearing of an expander and exercises during the postoperative period and gives a stable lengthening effect thanks to the placement of an implant. selected individually in the area of the severed ligament. preventing repair of the "notorious ligament". These implants are made of medical silicone by renowned manufacturers and are successfully used by plastic surgeons for breast augmentation. They are safe, hypoallergenic and have a lifetime warranty. By analogy with female sex, as an additional factor of erogenous stimulation, mammary gland augmentative plastic surgery is widely used, where stent implantation is widely used. This technique has the status of "gold standard" in penile surgery.

These microsurgical operations in the West are reaching enormous costs. We have them ten times cheaper, and it is no coincidence that calculating Europeans come to our country for operations. This is due not only to the cost of implants, but also to the availability of expensive instruments, precision techniques and absolute sterility.

Penis size correction operations solve the problem of sex and disrupting the harmony of family relationships. Years of experience have shown that patients are men who are not satisfied with their sex life. They suffer from an inferiority complex. Therefore, considering the above, the motivation to carry out these operational actions is the desire to match masculinity and sexuality.

sexy man with a naked torso

The surgical urology department of the medical center has a full range of surgical techniques to correct the size of the penis, which are performed by experienced doctors with extensive experience in the field of genital surgery (members of the association of'andrology).Online consultations with foreign colleagues and figures in Russian andrology are also possible. If the patient wishes, it is possible to appeal to leading specialists, as well as to produce operational manuals accompanied by our doctors in leading clinics.

As a result of operations carried out in the department using this technique, we achieved an increase in the size of the penis up to a maximum of 5 cm and a minimum of 2. 7 cm, which indicates the mosthigh efficiency of the method and the ability to help patients with any problem.

Penis Enlargement And Correction - Improve The Quality Of Your Sex Life!