How to enlarge a penis as a teenager

Erection in older children is a normal physiological state. There should be no reason to panic. They talk with the boy, talk about all the intricacies of growing up. It is not recommended that mothers discuss intimate matters with their son. This leads to discomfort on both sides and the development of psychological trauma in the child. The first signs of excitement are not associated with puberty, their appearance can be the norm or the result of developed pathologies.

teen and cock enlargement

The first signs of puberty

At what age the penis rises in boys, not all parents, especially mothers, know. Normally the process starts at 11-12, but there are minor deviations.

The first thing a teenager notices is an enlarged penis.

So join:

  • uncontrolled erections;
  • nocturnal emissions;
  • sexual attraction to girls;
  • erotic dreams and other signs.

Adulthood lasts about 5 years. Testosterone, a male hormone, enters the bloodstream, which leads to a change in the character and appearance of a teenager. The change in behavior is not surprising. Hormonal changes often make a young man aggressive and angry.

The final formation of the reproductive system occurs at age 18, although many boys have their first sexual intercourse much earlier. On average, this happens between the ages of 13 and 16.

Teenage erections lead to the desire to experience life's first pleasure, so most teenagers masturbate.

After catching a child in a lewd activity, parents are confused - they read morals, ridicule the child. You can't do this, you can ruin the relationship and cause serious damage to the guy's psyche.

How does a young man change?

Moms and dads often wonder why a child's behavior changes, and often not for the better. The guy makes scandals, runs away from home, closes in on himself.

The parents suspect their son of drug use, links with bad company. Regular questioning does not lead to good relations and irritates the growing child even more.

You can recognize grow by hair growth:

  • on the chest and face;
  • armpits;
  • in the genital area.

During the period of hormonal adjustment, the voice grows thicker and the sexual organ develops.

Naturally, the boy will not show his mother's penis, adult men will be able to notice such changes.

During the growth process, sperm begins to accumulate in the testicles. This can already lead to conception. Before this opportunity arises, the boy should be aware of the intimate nuances and consequences of an unwanted pregnancy.

A grown man, preferably a father, should brief the young man. If this is not possible, the guy studies the information on his own - in books, magazines, the Internet.

You have to be careful with this one. A growing guy will definitely want to watch an intimate video. The plots of the images are different. By focusing on one particular video, a guy can drastically change his outlook on adult life.

involuntary ejaculation

Erection in adolescents is often accompanied by erotic dreams. A sufficient amount of sperm accumulates in the testicles, it comes out. The first wet dream scares guys. They are afraid of criticism from their parents, they feel guilty about the dirty sheet.

Parents notice that the son himself took off the bedding and loaded it into the washing machine. Neither the mother nor the father should ask unnecessary questions, putting the guy in an awkward position. If an intimate topic hasn't been opened up yet, it's time for the father to take a moment to explain the situation. It is important to know at what age boys get up so as not to miss important changes.

Young men often do not remember their dreams and do not understand why ejaculation happened. Some consider it pathological.

Nocturnal emissions in boys are a normal physiological state in which sexual tension is relieved. Excess accumulated semen leads to discomfort. As long as a man is not yet sexually active, the body itself empties the testicles.

This happens in adulthood, but unlike a teenager, an adult understands what is happening to them and does not feel embarrassed.

This is fraught with:

  • the emergence of a feeling of guilt in a teenager;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • loss of prestige;
  • hostile relationship.

The young man will certainly appreciate the lack of interest in the appearance of erections and involuntary ejaculations.

Advice for moms and dads

You have to accept growing up. It was a natural process that had to begin. During this difficult period, one should show tact and friendliness, because one wrong word can spoil blood relations for a long time.

Moms and dads shouldn't condemn their son for:

  • uncontrolled erection and ejaculation;
  • viewing intimate magazines;
  • mood swings.

Finding a teenager masturbating, you should keep quiet and pretend nothing happened, giving the child a chance to clean up after themselves. You don't need to focus on yourself either. Physicians do not have a single point of view on this issue. Some consider testicular emptying to be physiologically normal, others say it is immoral and unacceptable.

Parents will not be able to influence this process, if a teenager wants to do this, he will always find an opportunity to retire.

Notions of morality must be inculcated from early childhood; during the growth period, this will be perceived as an invasion of personal space.

Erection at an early age

Signs of growth in boys up to 6-8 years baffle parents. They sometimes appear in children of the first year of life. Often you don't have to worry. It happens.

Harmless reasons include:

  • tight underwear or an uncomfortable diaper;
  • overflow of the bladder;
  • mechanical impact.

It is:

  1. Congenital malformations of the genitourinary system.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the intestines, bladder, testicles.
  3. Worm infestations.
  4. CNS disorders.
  5. Circulatory problems.
  6. Infection of the foreskin and others.

Often the diagnosis is made during the initial examination by the pediatrician. Less often it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the genitourinary system, take smears, blood tests, etc.

Treatment is chosen based on test results. Most often the baby needs antibiotics, physiotherapy and other things.

Acting alone is prohibited. Hot and cold compresses can seriously harm a child, and taking medication will distort clinical signs and prevent timely diagnosis.

"Up to what age does the penis grow? "- this question is asked by many parents, who are concerned about whether everything is in order with the health of their sons. Similar questions arise in adult men who are dissatisfied with the size of their penis - they hope that the growth will not stop until old age, the main thing is to follow certain rules.

What is the situation in reality: until what age does the penis grow, why does the organ stop growing, what determines the size and how to enlarge the penis in an adult man? We will now give answers to these questions.

Stages of development in children

  • First stage, intrauterine. The penis and scrotum are formed in the fetus at the 16th week, at this time it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child.
  • Second stage, prepubertal. Before the onset of puberty, the boy's genitals are underdeveloped (infantile, that is, for children). In an infant, the penis is only 1. 5-2. 5 cm long, the head of the penis is not visible, the foreskin is narrowed (childhood phimosis). The further growth of the penis is proportional to the growth of the boy.
  • Third stage, puberty. With the onset of puberty (for different men it happens in different ways - between the ages of 12 and 15), the growth of the genitals becomes more intense. There is an increase in the testicles, there is a growth in the penis. Every three years, the organ adds an average of 3-4 cm. Growth is accompanied by other signs of puberty - an Adam's apple forms, a voice breaks, hair appears on the face and body.

Intensive penis enlargement is noticeable in the first three years (up to about 15-18 years). Also, the growth of the penis slows down (the maximum penis increases by 1 cm per year), and, as a rule, by the age of 19-21 the penis reaches its maximum thickness and length.

If a teenager is not well

What if a young man who has started puberty does not have the expected penis growth? There is no need to panic, the fact is that everyone changes at different times. If the symptoms of maturation do not appear at the age of 15-16, and the genitals still remain in an infantile state, this is already a matter of serious concern - hormonal disorders can be apossible reason for lack of adequate penis growth.

Another question - what sizes are considered normal? In adolescence, one should not panic about the size - growth can be slow at first, then in a year the penis can stretch by 5-6 cm at a time. The following is considered the minimum penis length in children and adolescents:

  • age 11 years - 4-6 cm (with a boy height of 142-148 cm);
  • 14 years - 6–9 cm (with a boy height of 158–168 cm);
  • 16 years - 7–9 cm (with a boy height of 165–172 cm);
  • age 20 years - 9. 5-12 cm (with a height of 174 cm).

An erect penis of a sexually mature man, the size of which reaches 9 cm or more, is considered normal from a medical point of view. With sizes from 3 to 9 cm there is a small penis. Less than 3 cm is an anatomical abnormality called micropenis.

What affects the length

What determines the size of a man's penis? First, genetics. The presence of various diseases during the development of the boy's body also has a great influence. If in childhood a man had complicated diseases of the reproductive or endocrine system, then most likely this will affect the genitals. So, for example, with a testosterone deficit of 60%, there is a decrease in the intensity of penis growth.

Another important factor in penis development is lifestyle. For example, nutrition can influence - for the normal construction of the body, a sufficient amount of building materials is needed. Among the products for the body of a developing boy, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios), herbs (parsley, dill, cumin), garlic, asparagus, pomegranate, figs, dairy products, beef are particularly useful.

Parents should carefully monitor that their son does not develop bad habits: if a teenager begins to drink alcohol and smoke before the end of puberty, a slowdown in the development of his body is guaranteed.

And what about adults?

Natural penis growth in men after puberty (18-21 years) does not occur. The only thing is that some have a lag in the development of the reproductive system, and maturation can end already at the age of 25 - such cases are rare, but still occur. If there is no delay, then after the age of twenty one should not count on the fact that the penis will grow a little more.

Certainly, there are methods of artificial penis enlargement for men who cannot accept the length of their dignity. It is necessary to resort to these measures in situations of complete desperation, after all, each of these methods has its own contraindications and side effects.

Among the most common methods of penis enlargement of an adult man should be noted:

  1. Hormonal drugs for penis growth (called growth hormones).
  2. The use of expanders (an orthopedic tool for stretching soft tissues). Gives an increase of 1-2 cm.
  3. Placement of the implant in the intra-cavernous space of the penis.
  4. The ligamentotomy is a surgical enlargement of the penis by reduction of the perineum.
  5. increase in vacuum. The penis is inserted into the cylinder, from which the air is removed from the other end by means of suction.
  6. Saline injections. The change in size is observed only for a few months, then the saline solution gradually resolves

It should be noted that the listed procedures are quite unpleasant, since the intimate zone of a man is very sensitive. All these methods are recommended not for aesthetic purposes, but when there are medical indications for penis enlargement (for example, in the case of a micropenis, when a normal sex life is not possible).

If you still want to increase virility, you can try special sprays and ointments, the composition of which produces an irritating effect. Due to the increased blood flow and the resulting swelling, the penis visually looks a few centimeters larger. The effect obtained from these funds is short-term - usually a few hours.